Why Email Marketing ? Email Marketing Is Targeted
Email Marketing is segmented and you can send personalized email based on targetaed demographics, location or any other data
More Frequent Communications
Send your message freequently as per tracking influence score to remarket the audience.
Email Marketing Increases Brand Awareness
Each time when your prospect open your email, it's increases your brand aweseness. It leads to make your prospects into your customers.
Highly Personal
Your message directly goes into inbox of your targeted auidence, it's increases the response rate.
Email Marketing Is Measurable
You can accurately measure click through rate, conversation rate, measure ROI & CPL of an Email Campaign.
Easy To Track
Email Marketing is easy to track. You can track the open rate, response rate, conversion rate etc.
Email Marketing Is Cost Effective
It requires no print costs, no postage fees, no advertising rates. Email marketing is as affordable as marketing gets.It can generate leads at low cost
Custom CTA
You can have custom CTA in email for impulsive buying,email newsletters can drive sales like no other channel..